Oh, San Francisco...
"San Francisco is a city where people are never more abroad than when they are at home."
-Benjamin F. Taylor
-Benjamin F. Taylor
The prattle of two East Coast twenty-somethings as they forge a new life in San Francisco...
You guys just aren't blogging enough to make this interesting.... How about commenting on the family in Arkansas with 17 kids that all start with the letter "J" -- One of the kids is named Jinger. Do you feel screwed if you're that girl when all your siblings have legitimate "J" names? How about the people who live on the Oklahoma panhandle or the disconnected part of Michigan? How do those people feel about life? You could write about all the people (journalists included) who misuse the word "hopefully" and "issue" in a dreadful manner. Can you order "lots of mayo" and "little bit of mayo" simultaneously on a WaWa touch screen? There's a lot of stuff out there to ponder...
If you build up the anticipation any longer you'll start to think your comments should be more philosophical than is necessary and you'll never begin. It's too much pressure if it gets into your head. Just write something, and then the other can comment, and you can sort of have an online call and response.
Best of Luck!
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